Current Projects
The City of Newark Department of Water and Sewer Utilities embarks on several projects each year to improve the water treatment process, facilities operations, and water infrastructure.
Find below a list of all projects in progress. For more information on the projects below, please reach out by email at
Additional Filters and High Service Pumps at the Newark-Pequannock Water Treatment Plant
This project includes the design and construction of additional filters and high service pumps at the Newark-Pequannock Water Treatment Plant.
Process and Operational Upgrades of the Newark-Pequannock Water Treatment Plant
The process and operational upgrades at the Newark-Pequannock Water Treatment Plant will improve the efficiency of the treatment process, optimize water quality, and increase plant production capacity.
Remediation of the Pequannock Sludge Lagoon
This project is to empty out the sludge lagoon using methods such as dredging or excavation, and use the sludge lagoon for emergencies only.