Serving the City’s Unhoused Population: Department of Water & Sewer's First Community Outreach Event

December 6, 2022— Members of Newark's Water and Sewer Utilities met early Saturday morning last week to prepare 100 meals to serve to the City's unhoused community.  The sandwiches, soup, fruit cake, and bottled water handed out were entirely funded by Water and Sewer Department employee donations. Despite the downpour, our employees went out to Hope Village, The H.E.L.P Center, and The Salvation Army to distribute food to people in need. This was our first event and we hope to continue giving back to our community. 

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.
— Hellen Keller

Mayor Ras Baraka & Director Kareem Adeem Awarded Richard J. Sullivan Award