Newark City South and Adams Streets Drainage Improvements

Project Name: South Street and Adams Street Drainage Improvement Project.

Construction: June 15, 2020- May 31, 2022

Design Engineer: Lori Wade, Project Manager of Michael Baker. 

Contractor: CMS Construction, Inc. 

Location: South Street (between Adams Street & Pulaski Street),  Adams Street (between South Street & Adams Street dead-end),  Miller Street (between Avenue A & Avenue C), and Avenue C (between Miller Street & Avenue C dead-end).

Cost: $3.40 million. 

Project Summary: The Project design incorporated roadway reconstruction, resurfacing, sidewalk, curb, and ADA curb ramp improvements, new drainage inlets, manholes, and pipes to alleviate flooding in the project area.  At Miller Street, the design entails the installation of new inlets, manholes, pipes and a pump station to alleviate flooding at the end of Avenue C and to redirect flows to an existing Culvert on Avenue A. The Project consist of cleaning and rehabilitation of existing outfalls, installation of 24" new storm sewer main on Adams Street between South Street & Adams Street dead-end, installation of 12"/10" new storm sewer gravity and force mains on Miller Street between Avenue A & Avenue C. Green Infrastructure (GI) was also installed at Avenue A and South Street. Additionally, the existing broken storm sewer mains on South Street between Adams Street & Pulaski Street was replaced with new 16"/18" storm sewer main.


North Ward Salt Storage Facility


Chemical Line Replacement